Jan 13, 2024

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A well-stocked car tool kit can save you a lot of time and stress. Minor problems can happen, and if you have the tools available, you can fix them temporarily until our technicians can repair or replace them. As your Chevy dealer, we’d like you to know some of the tools that form part of any good tool kit.

car tool kit santa fe new mexico
Photo by: pixabay via pexels.com

Screwdriver Set

A good screwdriver set can often make the difference between waiting for a repair and being able to drive away in minutes. Your Chevy has a multitude of components that are attached to it by screws. When you choose a screwdriver set, it’s advisable to choose one with a flat head, Phillips, and Torx heads in various sizes.

Many screwdriver sets have ergonomic handles that give you a more secure grip. Some screwdriver sets also have offset screwdrivers which have an L or Z-shaped shaft and these allow you to reattach screws located in difficult-to-reach areas.

Wrench Set

If a component isn’t attached to your car with screws, it’s probably attached with bolts and nuts. A wrench set will allow you to quickly secure a loose nut or bolt. Most wrench sets have both standard and metric system wrenches. In addition, you can get a combination wrench and socket wrench set. Socket wrenches give you more torque when tightening that pesky bolt that caused you to pull over.


Water might seem strange to keep as part of a tool kit, but it has numerous benefits. We all know how hot the days can get in New Mexico, and some bottles of water will certainly quench your thirst while you make a temporary repair. Water can also temporarily top up the coolant in your cooling system if you’ve just repaired a coolant leak.

In addition, repairing a problem can get your hands dirty, and the water can help you to clean up.

Zip Ties

Zip ties can be a very underestimated tool. They’re strong, durable, and very cheap. Larger and thicker ones can even be used to temporarily replace a broken radiator clamp. They will eventually fail, but they’ll allow your cooling system to work effectively until you can reach us for a permanent repair.

They can temporarily hold items like a side-view mirror or a license plate in place. They can also be used to separate electrical wires inside your engine. We advise adding several different-sized zip ties to your tool kit.

These are only a few of the types of tools that are important to keep in a good tool kit. If you’d like to know more, visit us today at Chevrolet Santa Fe.